Thursday, December 13, 2012

Doctor Who Challenge Day 30

When did you become a fan of Doctor Who?

I've been watching it ever since the new series came out, seven years baby! :D

I don't think I really remembered it very much when I was younger, but I've rewatched it so many times that it makes up for it. ;)

Doctor Who Challenge Day 29

Favorite Guest Star

I have two,

Sally Sparrow, and Van Goph

Doctor Who Challenge Day 28

Favorite GIF

I like the two with Tenny :)

Doctor Who Challenge Day 27

Favorite Interview

I haven't actually watched any....

Doctor Who Challenge Day 26

Favorite Doctor Who gadget


Doctor Who Challenge Day 25

Favorite Catchphrase


Doctor Who Challenge day 24

This one. It's so epic that I love it so much.

(favorite quote)

Doctor Who Challenge Day 23


There aren't a lot, but I think that Torchwood is my favorite.

(favorite spin-off)